Dear Travellers to Turkey

As we prepared to leave Turkey after 6 weeks, we reflected on our experiences and observations. Sadly, a common theme through most of the country was one of declined tourism due to the negative reports in Western media. Warnings of terrorist attacks have failed to emphasise that conflict largely remains at the Syrian border, which you would be foolish to visit. The volumes of refugees seen some years ago has dissipated across the country, over other borders, and absorbed in areas rarely frequented by tourists. These fears that have driven tourists away have endured longer that any likely threat.

To anyone visiting East Europe, I encourage you to visit Turkey! The people are some of the friendliest you will meet. If you overpay by 1 lira (0.33AUD), they will return it. The hawkers at restaurants or food carts will have a joke with you. The countryside offers a variety of experiences, including cosmopolitan cities, coastlines, deserts, hiking, rural settings, ancient ruins, and unique natural beauty.

To anyone visiting Turkey, travel independently as much as you can. The country is well connected by rail and bus, with cheap local public transport. Accommodation is available for all budgets in even the small towns. Please stay in the small towns! During our visits to Fethiye, Selçuk, and Pamukkale, we were saddened by the many empty rooms and tables, while packaged tourists visited the nearby sites and ignored the pretty town that waited for them. Slow down, stay in the small towns, learn about and interact with the locals. Your night's accommodation, meals at the restaurants, and bus fare will help the local economy rather than boosting the packaged tour company's annual intake.

Give Turkey a chance. We never intended to stay as long as we did, and now leave with a special fondness for the country and its people.

Fond Turkey memories.


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