Necessary Pricks
When traveling for an extended period, it is wise to ensure your health checks are up to date. See your local doctor for a general check up, pap smear, mole check, mammogram, colonoscopy, or whatever may be due before you go. Schedule a visit to your dentist for a routine check and clean to protect yourself from preventable aches in a country where there may be limited services. I recommend doing this months before you leave to allow time for any fillings that may be required. Part of being careful and looking after yourself while you are overseas includes vaccinations relevant for the part of the world you will be visiting. Here are some useful websites on vaccinations: Vaccine Information by the Immunization Action Coalition Travelers' Health by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Now, A List Routine vaccines are the ones you had as a child. Common ones: chickenpox (varicella) polio mea...